Posted in Spirituality, Travel, Travel Writing, Writing

Why and What I blog?

Let me introduce the blog and my intentions for writing it.


I am blogging publicly instead of keeping a personal journal, because I believe I have ideas, past experience and current learning to share with you and others, on topics such as 1) travel, 2) practical and spiritual matters, and 3) the writing and publishing process.


I hope to write about my travel experiences, general benefits of travel for all of us and how to make it easier. As a writer and professionally an educator, I expect to draft blog posts about the craft and process of writing. I plan to share some of my own writing (published and unpublished) with you over time, as well. As a Christian and spiritual seeker in the Quaker tradition, I won’t be able to NOT write about spiritual matters, even the practical side of spiritual things.


Blogging gives me a chance to connect to people (young and old) around these topics, which leads to the introduction of my coming-of-age, travel and spiritual memoir entitled, At Home in the World: Travel Stories of Growing Up and Growing Away, published in 2014. The book tells the story of my life and travels from age 10 to 27, guided by a mother wise beyond her own experience; journeys provided by my church or because of my association with my church, including two mission projects (one, ten weeks; the other, an academic year of college); and the final trip abroad as an act of progressive independence as a young professional woman in graduate school. Each excursion offers growth and personal insight.

I’m currently writing an historical fiction of an early 1900s unconventional horsewoman who travels with her younger brother to India to sell horses. During her journey she loses her brother, encounters two men who help her discover more about herself, chooses one who will aid in her learning to live and love without regret.


As a take-off from the title of my memoir, I felt like “Finding Ourselves at Home in the World” would be inclusive and inviting. I hope that works out to be accurate. I also view my protagonist in the historical fiction as finding her way in the world.

My taglines, Travel – Travel Writing – Writing, offer a quick description of what reader will find on my website and blog.


Both books reveal my interest and passion in young men and particularly young women growing up independent, strong, and resilient.


I believe many folk interested in travel will pursue this blog and it topics. I anticipate writers will be energized by travel writing and posts about the craft of writing and travel writing. I hope single women (college age through young 30s) will read my books to produce their own thought-provoking self-introspection. I believe young women (in their 30s and  40s) raising children will find food for thought about parenting to help their own offspring grow up ready to take their place in the world. And I suspect that many older women in their 50s, 60s and older will seek to reminisce about their own experiences of being who they are.

Seeking Awe & Delight

A newsletter for inspirational ways to find awe and delight, insight on the transformative nature of travel, and ways to write about it.

We don’t spam! We don't like it either.


Wiley-Jones, who's been fiercely committed for over thirty years to guiding travelers toward supercharged writing benefits to unlock transformative travel, will unpack journal-writing methods with which you can experiment. Wiley-Jones is an accomplished writer and award-winning travel writer with 1) a coming-of-age travel memoir, and 2) a travel adventure historical novel; as well as multiple publications in national anthologies and local lifestyle magazines. She can facilitate techniques for you to write stories for yourself, your family, and/or for publication.

6 thoughts on “Why and What I blog?

    1. Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy the travel stories, especially the one to Peru that I’m recounting as The Hero’s Journey. This is an experimental blog. Let me know what you think.

  1. Hi Rhonda, I don’t know why I didn’t find you earlier, but I am glad you found me. So, thank you for that and for the follow. I am not writing a longer comment because I am rushing off to read your other posts. 🙂

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