Posted in Craft of writing, Marketing, Promotion

Promoting my Book Locally

Sometimes it is difficult to find an audience for your book and the process is time consuming. But a recent opportunity came along that I couldn’t pass up. The Comfort, Texas, Public Library hosted its annual Read-A-Thon Saturday, March 30, 2019. I was invited to read and exhibit my book, At Home in the World: Travel Stories of Growing Up and Growing Away.

A small but faithful crowd came to hear local community members read from their own book or a favorite – children and adult stories, scenes, essays, poetry; fiction and nonfiction.

Caren Richardson of Fredericksburg (photo above and below) read poetry from different sources. The first was about a horse; therefore the reason for her painting of a horse at her feet below.

Along with my travel memoir, At Home in the World, I also took the Story Circle Network’s (SCN) recent anthology, Inside and Out. I have a published essay in the book. Carol Wichman (below right with her friend on the left) saw the SCN’s book and said she was a member who reviews books for the organization.

She volunteered to review At Home in the World for hundreds of women readers across the nation who are members of Story Circle Network. Thanks, Carol!!!

What a wonderful way of sharing my books and my writing in other publications with readers and writers alike.

Thanks to the Comfort Public Library for this opportunity to promote my book.

What other ways can you promote your book in local community events and venues? Share your ideas below with our readers. Thanks!

Seeking Awe & Delight

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Wiley-Jones, who's been fiercely committed for over thirty years to guiding travelers toward supercharged writing benefits to unlock transformative travel, will unpack journal-writing methods with which you can experiment. Wiley-Jones is an accomplished writer and award-winning travel writer with 1) a coming-of-age travel memoir, and 2) a travel adventure historical novel; as well as multiple publications in national anthologies and local lifestyle magazines. She can facilitate techniques for you to write stories for yourself, your family, and/or for publication.

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